Dan apabila kamu membaca Al Quran niscaya Kami adakan antara kamu dan orang-orang yang tidak beriman kepada kehidupan akhirat, suatu dinding yang tertutup, English: And when you recite the Quran, We place between you and those who do not believe in the hereafter a hidden barrier.(QS.17:45) . Ingatlah Al Quran penyuluh hidup.
"And remember your Lord by your tongue and within yourself, humbly and in awe, without loudness, by words in the morning and in the afternoon, and be not among those who are neglectful." - Al-Araf 7:205
The Prophet (pbuh) said: "He who remembers his Lord and he who does not remember his Lord are like the living and the dead." - Al-Bukhari, cf., Al-Asqalani, Fathul-Bari 11/208; Muslim 1/539 with the wording "The house in which Allah is remembered and the house in which Allah is not remembered is like the living and the dead."
And he said, "Shall i not inform you of the best of your works, the purest of them with your Master (Allah), the loftiest of them in your stations, the thing that is better for you than spending gold and silver (in charity), and better for you than meeting your enemies and slaying them and being slain by them?" They (the Companions) said, "Of course!" He said, "Rememberance of Allah, the Most high." - At-Tirmithi 5/459, Ibn Majah 2/1245. See Al-Albani, Sahih Ibn Majah 2/316 and Sahih At-Tirmithi 3/139.
And he said, "Allah the Most High says, 'I amd with my slave when he thinks of Me and I am with him when he mentions Me. For if he mentions Me to himself, I mention him to Myself; and if he mentions Me in a gathering, I mention him in superior gathering. If he approaches Me by a hand's width, I approach him by an arm's length, I approach him by two arms length. And if he comes to me walking, I hasten to him swiftly.'" - Al-ukhari 8/171, Muslim 4/2061; this wording is from Al-Bukhari.
This is an interview (brief Biography) of Sheikh Fahd Al-kanderi. 1428 AH. MashaAllah he is one of the best Qaris. In the video he talks about memorizing the Quran by age 16, By The will of Allah first, and then by the encouragment of his father(may Allah have mercy upon him). and at the end of the video he talks about the Hadith of the Prophet Salallahu alayhi wa sallam that says The best of you are those who learn the Quran and teach it to others. So he said he hopes that on his hands Many many people will memorize the book of Allah subhana wa ta'ala. may Allah subhana wa ta'ala accept his dua, and grant him jannat al-firdous. ameen.
Ya Allah, Aku mohon kepadaMu agar Kau catatkan siapa pun yang membaca blog ini, menjadi orang-orang yang Engkau angkat kerajaannya. Engkau ampuni seluruh dosa-dosanya. Engkau buka hati yang tertutup. Engkau lembutkan hati yang keras membatu. Engkau cahayai hati yang gelap gelita. Ya Allah jadikan perkongsian ilmu ini membuatkan sisa umur kami penuh berkah. Terpelihara dari fitnah dan musibah. Amin.
Bismillah. Selamat Tahun Baru 2018
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