Friday, 12 August 2011
Why and How to Learn Arabic for Comprehension of the Quran - Nouman Ali Khan
Why and How to Learn Arabic for Comprehension of the Quran - Nouman Ali Khan
Nouman Ali Khan of the Bayyinah Arabic Institute ( gave this speech in Houston, Texas. He explains the importance of studying Arabic for comprehension of the Quran. And he discusses the pitfalls of many techniques used by students. Finally, he describes the advantages of the methods used by Bayyinah. A must-see for any student studying Arabic to better understand the Quran and Islam.
Quran : Why and How to Learn the Arabic Spoken in the Qur’an
Nouman Ali Khan of Bayyinah ( ) gave this speech in Houston, Texas. He explains the importance of studying Arabic for comprehension of the Qur'an. And he discusses the pitfalls of many techniques used by students. Finally, he describes the advantages of the methods used by Bayyinah. A must-see for any student studying Arabic to better understand the Qur'an and Islam.
Why and How to Learn the Arabic Spoken in the Qur’an (2-6)
Why and How to Learn the Arabic Spoken in the Qur’an (3-6)
Why and How to Learn the Arabic Spoken in the Qur’an (4-6)
Why and How to Learn the Arabic Spoken in the Qur’an (5-6)
Why and How to Learn the Arabic Spoken in the Qur’an (6-6)
Understanding the Quran : كِتَابٌ أَنزَلْنَاهُ إِلَيْكَ مُبَارَكٌ لِّيَدَّبَّرُوا آيَاتِهِ وَلِيَتَذَكَّرَ أُوْلُوا الْأَلْبَابِ This is a Book full of Blessings that we have revealed unto you
Understanding the Quran
Quran is last of the heavenly books revealed by God to the last of His messengers, Muhammad (sws). It is the book memorized and recited by millions of Muslims every day. It is also the book that has had a remarkable influence in shaping world’s religious, political and geographical structure. And it is also the book that forms basis of the religion of Islam and is its foremost source of knowledge. Interestingly, Quran is the only Book in the world recited by so many that no other book has ever been read as many times, but unfortunately, it is almost always read without understanding it and it also seems that no other book has been dealt this way ever! The aim of this paper is to understand the importance of understanding the Quran.
Allah says in the Holy Quran,
It is being addressed to the Prophet Muhammad (sws) and it is being said that this book has been revealed so those who have intellect ponder upon its verses.1 This clearly reveals a few aspects of the way one should study the Quran.
The Importance of Understanding the Quran
During the recitation and the study of Quran, one must earnestly try to understand the message contained in this book. Unfortunately, it is usually thought and professed that this book is only for the scholars to understand, and for them to interpret and apply it to the fields of Islamic knowledge. However, this is clearly in conflict with the Quran which stresses so much upon its reader to understand it.
The first addressees of Quran were Arabs and they are being told that the Quran is in their own language for them to be able to understand it. Quran did not limit its contents to Prophet Muhammad (sws), rather addressed the Believers, the Jews, the Christians and the Pagans at the time of Muhammad (sws) directly. The method of reciting the Quran practiced today – where a student recites Quran completely multiple times over without understanding a single word – is the exact opposite of how it should actually be studied! When a Muslim student learns Arabic, he is taught the pronunciation of Arabic letter and words without the meaning such that he is not able to understand his reading. Interestingly, this way of learning a language is reserved for no other language in the world but for Quranic Arabic!
The need for understanding the Quran cannot be overemphasized. The relationship between Al-Fatihah and the Quran also clearly shows one of the ways that Almighty had ordained Arabs to always understand Quran. Al-Fatihah is a humble prayer from a believer towards the Lord of the Worlds requesting Guidance, and Quran is the answer to this prayer that starts with "This is the book, without doubt, a guidance for the God fearing." Prayer follows the same pattern where one asks Allah for guidance and in turn some verses of the Qu’ran are recited as an answer from Him. For Arabs, where this Quran was revealed and where this prayer was introduced, the daily prayer provided a perfect opportunity for them to listen to the Quran as an answer of the Lord of the Worlds five times a day. And Arabic being their language, they would easily comprehend the message. For non-Arabs, obviously, they have to make an extra effort to understand either the Quran or learn Arabic. A party of non-Arabs was allowed by the Prophet (sws) to recite prayers in their own language for a limited time until they learnt Arabic.2 This was to allow them to understand the Quran until a time they were well-versed in Arabic. It is for the original Arabic speakers that the Quran said,
When the Quran is asking its reader to understand it, there is no reason whatsoever why one should not make an effort to do that. In fact, to overcome our weaknesses in Arabic language, we should turn to a focused study to understand its meaning and acquire knowledge from it.
Quran Addresses the Intellect
Secondly, one's intellect has to be applied in the understanding of this Book. This is something that the Quran itself has commanded us to do at many occasions. For instance, in Al-Baqarah, Quran talks about spending in the way of Allah and how Satan allures man into spending elsewhere for this worldly life. And then in the middle of this discussion, Allah says,
And the discussion then continues on. Clearly, it needs to be appreciated that the Quran really does reason with arguments and if one’s mind is not applied in the study of this Book, then the benefit will be very limited. In general, the Quran has used reasoning and has cited arguments in support of its claims whenever it has urged man to accept a belief. It warns those who do not apply the faculty of their reasoning and become slaves to emotions like hate and prejudice.3 For example, consider the following where those who do not use their intellect in the study of the Book are addressed as deaf and dumb.
Quran also records the following words of those thrown into the Hell:4
Pondering Upon the Quran
Quran being the word of God contains infinite wisdom in it. In order to really benefit from it, one is expected to ponder and reflect upon its verses; something that the Quran has suggested at numerous places. This requires one to deliberate upon the commandments with concentration, analyzing different aspects and understanding what each of these commandments is demanding from its reader. It is for this reason that the companions of Prophet Muhammad (sws) used to hold gatherings where they would reflect upon Quran’s verses and discuss related issues.5 Quran has itself declared:
The above is the situation of hypocrites who used to read the Quran but never tried to sincerely understand it as a word of God. Consequently, despite their recitation in their own language they were neither able to gain knowledge from Quran nor able to act according to its demands.6
Thus, reading of the Quran must be followed by one’s desire to understand it in depth and using it as a guide in one’s practical life. If understood and followed correctly, the Quran becomes a living guide for those who act upon it; this is Almighty’s way to show us the Right Path. It is also His way of directing our worldly matters.
Quran explains to those who ignore its commandments after having understood them their fate on the Day of Judgment:
2 Ghulam Murtaza Malik, "Anwaar-ul Quran", Vol. 1, Malik Sons, 1996, p 51.
3 Shehzad Saleem, "Reason and Revelation", Renaissance Magazine, Aug 2003.
4 Moiz Amjad, "Revelation of the Quran", Understanding Islam (
5 Amin Ahsan Islahi, "Mubaddi Tadabbur-ul Quran", Faaran Foundation, 1999, p 122.
6 Amin Ahsan Islahi, "Mubaddi Tadabbur-ul Quran", Faaran Foundation, 1999, p 125.
Tafsîr of the Qûr’an by the Qûr’an
Tafsîr of the Qûr’an by the Qûr’an
The most important source of understanding the Qûr’an is the Qûr’an itself after all, the Qûr’an is an entire Book that has been revealed by Allâh, and therefore in order to understand any one verse, the entire context of this verse must be looked at. The meanings of the Qûr’an can never contradict each other, as Allâh says,Do they not ponder over the Qûr’an? For indeed, had it been from other than Allâh, they would surely have found many contradictions in it [4:82] |
In this verse, the command is given to ponder over the whole Qûr’an, verse by verse, for had it been from any other than Allâh, its verses would have contradicted one another. Therefore, it is essential to turn to the Qûr’an itself in order to interpret any verse in the Qûr’an.
This principle is demonstrated in many verses in the Qûr’an. Sometimes, a question is asked, and then answered in the next verses. For example,
By the Heavens, and the târiq. And what will make you know what the târiq is? (It is) the star of piercing brightness [86:1-3] |
In other cases, the reference to another verse is not obvious. For example, the reference to the path of those whom You have favoured [1:7] is explained in 4:69 as:
And whoever obeys Allâh and His Messenger, they will be in the company of those whom Allâh has shown favour, of the Prophets, and the truthful followers, and the martyrs, and the pious. And how excellent these companions are! Therefore, the second verse explains who 'those whom You have favoured' are.
In some places in the Qûr’an, a story is mentioned in brief and in another place it is elaborated. For example, in the story of the repentance of Aadam, verse 2:37 states,
Then Aadam received from his Lord words, and He relented towards him. |
In this verse, the 'words' that Aadam received are not mentioned, and it is essential to turn to another verse to know what Aadam said:
They (Aadam and Eve) said, 'Our Lord! We have wronged ourselves. If you do not forgive us and have Mercy on us, we will be of the lost! [7:23] |
Other verses direct the reader to another passage in the Qûr’an, or tell the reader that the subject has already been mentioned. For example, Allâh says,
And unto the Jews, We forbade them such (foods) that We have already mentioned to you before... [16:118] |
In other words, these prohibitions have already been elaborated upon elsewhere in the Qûr’an (cf 6:146). In another verse, Allâh states,
Lawful to you (for food) are all the beasts of cattle, except that which will have been recited to you. [5:1] |
After two verses, the beasts that are forbidden are 'recited':
Forbidden to you are all dead animals, and blood, and the flesh of pigs.... [5:3] |
The Prophet (saws) also showed the principle of interpreting the Qûr’an by the Qûr’an when he was asked concerning the verse,
Those who believe and do not mix their belief with injustice...[6:82] |
The Companions asked, "O Messenger of Allâh! Who amongst us does not do injustice (to his soul)?" The Prophet (saws) replied, "Have you not read the statement of Luqman, 'Verily, shirk is a great injustice?'" (31:13).[3] In other words, the Prophet (saws) quoted them another verse in the Qûr’an to explain to them what the 'injustice' referred to in the verse actually meant - an example of tafsîr of the Qûr’an by the Qûr’an.
Included in the interpretation of the Qûr’an with the Qûr’an is the knowledge of asbâb an-nuzûl, the knowledge of makkî and madanî verses, the nâsikh and mansûkh verses, the various qira’ât, and the knowledge of the different categories of verses (the muhkam and mutashâbih, the 'âm and the khâs, themutlaq and the muqqayad, the mantûq and the mafhûm, the haqîqî and the majâzî, and other categories which were not discussed).
This is because a general ruling ('âm) in one verse might be specified ( khâs) in another verse, and so forth. In addition, all the different qira’ât of a verse must be considered to arrive at a proper understanding of a verse. All the relevant verses must be taken into account to form a complete picture, as all the verses of the Qûr’an complement one another.
To conclude, it is essential that every verse of the Qûr’an be looked at in light of its sister verses; no interpretation of any verse can contradict another verse.
Monday, 8 August 2011
Are you ready to meet with Allah SWT? lessons behind ayat 16-23 in surat Qaf and 16-34 in surat al-Haqqah.
Are you ready to meet with Allah SWT? Dr. Bedeir delves into this and discusses the meaning and lessons behind ayat 16-23 in surat Qaf and 16-34 in surat al-Haqqah.
Dr. Reda Bedeir Lecture Part 1 of 4
Dr. Reda Bedeir Lecture Part 2 of 4
1. to read
2. to understand
3. to act accordingly
4. to pull others to Islam
Dr. Reda Bedeir Lecture Part 3 of 4
Dr. Reda Bedeir Lecture Part 4 of 4
Do you love Allah and truly love Allah more than anything with your action.
9. Surah At-Taubah (The Repentance)
9. Surah At-Taubah (The Repentance)
24. Say: If your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your wives, your kindred, the wealth that you have gained, the commerce in which you fear a decline, and the dwellings in which you delight ... are dearer to you than Allah and His Messenger, and striving hard and fighting in His Cause , then wait until Allah brings about His Decision (torment). And Allah guides not the people who are Al-Fasiqun (the rebellious, disobedient to Allah).
A Meeting With Allah
A beautiful hadeeth about how the dwellers of paradise will get to see and talk to Allah. May Allah allow us all to see Him and gain His pleasure. Peace.