Dan apabila kamu membaca Al Quran niscaya Kami adakan antara kamu dan orang-orang yang tidak beriman kepada kehidupan akhirat, suatu dinding yang tertutup, English: And when you recite the Quran, We place between you and those who do not believe in the hereafter a hidden barrier.(QS.17:45) . Ingatlah Al Quran penyuluh hidup.
You Came to me (Ramadan Song) English by Sami Yusuf
sami yusuf - you come to me - turkish [ türkçe]
Sami Yusufun bu parçası Türkçe Altyazılı olarak ilk kez burada
----------------- You came to me in that hour of need (İhtiyaç duyduğum vakitte sen geldin bana) When I was so lost, so lonely (ben kayıpken, yalnızken) You came to me, took my breath away......... -------------- video indirme linki daha sonra dindersiforum yada sebenforumda verilecektir
Ramadhan - Beautiful Nasheed [Eng.Subs.] رمضان - نشيد رائع
YouTube - Ramadan - Beautiful Nasheed [Eng.Subs] رمضان
0:22To Allah I return, broken and repenting 0:29I have filled my heart with words of dua’a (supplications) to Him. 0:37To Allah I return, broken and repenting 0:44 I have filled my heart with words of dua’a (supplications) to Him. 0:51So, have mercy, O Generous One, in your month upon my humbleness 0:58Forgive my sins and accept my desperate dua’a (supplications) 1:06So, have mercy, O Generous One, in your month upon my humbleness 1:12Forgive my sins and accept my desperate dua’a (supplications) 1:21The month of Dua’a (Supplication) 1:29O Giver of limitless generosity and mercy, 1:36Your kindness fills the souls with compassion and submission (towards You) 1:46From the sea of your generosity, 1:53Then wash this soul. 2:03In Its (Ramadhan) shade (nights) the breaths recite supplications 2:09And in its daylight is filled with forgiveness, so forgive my sin (O Allah) 2:20The month of Giving 2:29To Allah I return, broken and repenting 2:36I have filled my heart with words of dua’a (supplications) to Him. 2:43So, have mercy, O Generous One, in your month upon my humbleness 2:50Forgive my sins and accept my desperate dua’a (supplications) 2:58The month of Dua’a (Supplication) 3:06The sins have (heavily) weighed down on my back, 3:12And have ingrained fear inside my soul from your (fair) punishment! 3:23The grave glances at me, and warns me of my (ongoing) mischief. 3:31So I take sanctuary at the Merciful One’s Compassion! 3:40Allah is my refuge and the Ahlulbayt (favoured family) of Muhammad, 3:47My love for the Prophet (pbuh) is my only hope. 3:57The month of hope 4:06To Allah I return, broken and repenting 4:13I have filled my heart with words of dua’a (supplications) to Him. 4:20So, have mercy, O Generous One, in your month upon my humbleness 4:27Forgive my sins and accept my desperate dua’a (supplications) 4:35The month of Dua’a (Supplication) 4:44O month within your nights is a sorrowful night of fate (Qadr) 4:52A night within which the Evil assassinated the guiding Imam (Ali ibn. Abi Talib) 5:02Haider (Imam Ali) gave you his blood [O month for the sake of Allah], 5:10and [his daughter] Zeinab spent your nights in tearful dua’a (supplications) 5:19Ahh! [The night of Qadr] stormed with grief over the “Wasi” [Ali], 5:25and recited were the Ayat (verses) of the book [holy Quran] with lamentations and tearful eyes! 5:38[The night of Qadr] stormed with grief over the “Wasi” [Ali], 5:43and recited were the Ayat (verses) of the book [holy Quran] with lamentations and tearful eyes! 5:56Month of Condolences. 6:06To Allah I return, broken and repenting 6:12I have filled my heart with words of dua’a (supplications) to Him. 6:20So, have mercy, O Generous One, in your month upon my humbleness 6:26Forgive my sins and accept my desperate dua’a (supplications) 6:34The month of Dua’a (Supplication)
Bismillah-hir- rahmaan-nir- raheem Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatuallahi wa barakatuh, this is the first segment of "Ramadan Reminders" with Sheikh Yusuf Estes.
Daily Ramazan Dua along a very beautiful Nasheed(song)
from youtube.com
This clip basically welcomes the Holy Month of Ramadhan. The beginning of the clip contains the daily prayer (dua). This dua is highly recommended to be recited after every salah (namaaz) in the month of Ramazan. A wonderful nasheed (by Al-Isra group) follows right after the dua. The final part of the clip is composed of a short dua which one must recite before breaking the fast.
The month of Ramadan in which was revealed the Quran, a guidance for mankind and clear proofs for the guidance and the criterion (between right and wrong). So whoever of you sights (the crescent on the first night of) the month (of Ramadan i.e. is present at his home), he must observe Saum (fasts) that month, and whoever is ill or on a journey, the same number [of days which one did not observe Saum (fasts) must be made up] from other days. Allah intends for you ease, and He does not want to make things difficult for you. (He wants that you) must complete the same number (of days), and that you must magnify Allah [i.e. to say Takbir (Allahu-Akbar; Allah is the Most Great) on seeing the crescent of the months of Ramadan and Shawwal] for having guided you so that you may be grateful to Him.(2:185)
'He who fasts during Ramadan with faith and seeks his reward from Allah will have his past sins forgiven; he who prays during the night in Ramadan with faith and seeks his reward from Allah will have his past sins forgiven; and he who passes Lailat al- Qadr in prayer with faith and seeks his reward from Allah will have his past sins forgiven.'
Beautifull verses from the Holy Quraan about the Islamic Month of Fasting, Ramadan
Sura 2 Baqara verse 183 to 188 The Cow, de Koe, Ayaah 183 t/m 188 Soerah Sunnah Soennah mercy mosque رمضان مبارك ninth month of the Islamic calendar recitation mohamed jibreel muhamed jebril muhammed sheikh cheikh tahajud qiyam layl laylatul qadr siyam siyaam sawm shahr 2008 1429 2009 1430 gebril
Ya Allah, Aku mohon kepadaMu agar Kau catatkan siapa pun yang membaca blog ini, menjadi orang-orang yang Engkau angkat kerajaannya. Engkau ampuni seluruh dosa-dosanya. Engkau buka hati yang tertutup. Engkau lembutkan hati yang keras membatu. Engkau cahayai hati yang gelap gelita. Ya Allah jadikan perkongsian ilmu ini membuatkan sisa umur kami penuh berkah. Terpelihara dari fitnah dan musibah. Amin.
Bismillah. Selamat Tahun Baru 2018
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