Dan apabila kamu membaca Al Quran niscaya Kami adakan antara kamu dan orang-orang yang tidak beriman kepada kehidupan akhirat, suatu dinding yang tertutup, English: And when you recite the Quran, We place between you and those who do not believe in the hereafter a hidden barrier.(QS.17:45) . Ingatlah Al Quran penyuluh hidup.
Friday, 1 January 2010
Zikir surah-surah dalam Al-Quran
Zikir surah-surah dalam Al-Quran.. Mengandungi kesemua 114 surah yang terdapat di dalam kitab suci al-quranulkarim yang dinasyidkan untuk memudahkan kita sebagai orang Islam untuk menghafal surah dalam Kalam Allah.. Sama-samalah kita menghafalnya..
S.No. Surah Name Meaning Total Ayahs Total Rukus
1 Fatehah The Opening 7 1 2 Baqarah The Cow 286 40 3 Aal-e-Imran The Family of Imran 200 20 4 Nisaa The Women 176 24 5 Maidah The Table spread with foods 120 16 6 Al-Anaam The Cattle 165 20 7 Al-Araaf The wall with Elevations 206 24 8 Al-Anfaal The Spoils of War 75 10 9 Tawbah The Repentance 129 16 10 Yunus The Prophet [Jonah] 109 11 11 Hud The Prophet Hood 123 10 12 Yusouf The Prophet [Joseph] 111 12 13 Ar-Ra'ad The Thunder 43 6 14 Ibrahim The Prophet [Abraham] 52 7 15 Hijr The Rocky Tract 99 6 16 Nahl The Bee 128 16 17 Israa The Journey by Night 111 12 18 Al-Kahf The Cave 110 12 19 Maryam Mary (Mother of Jesus) 98 6 20 Taha One of the Names of Prophet Muhammad 135 8 21 Al-Anbiya The Prophets 112 7 22 Al-Hajj The Pilgrimage 78 10 23 Al-Muminun The Believers 118 6 24 Al-Nur The Light 64 9 25 Al-Farqan The Criterion 77 6 26 Ash-Shu'ara The Poets 227 11 27 Al-Naml The Ant 93 7 28 Al-Qasas The Narration 88 9 29 Al-Ankabut The Spider 69 7 30 Al-Rum The Romans 60 6 31 Luqman Luqman (A wise Man) 34 4 32 As-Sajdah The Prostration 30 3 33 Al-Ahzab The Confederates 73 9 34 Al-Saba Sheba (The Queen) 54 6 35 Al-Fatir The Originator of Creation 45 5 36 Ya'sin One of the Names of Prophet Muhammad 83 5 37 As-Saffat Those Ranged in Ranks 182 5 38 Suad Arabic Alphabet 88 5 39 Az-Zamar The Groups 75 8 40 Al-Mumin The Forgiver/The Believer 85 9 41 Hamim Sajdah In Detail 54 6 42 Ash-Shura The Consultations 53 5 43 Al-Aukhruf The Gold Adornment 89 7 44 Al-Dukhan The Smoke 59 3 45 Al-Jathiyah The Kneeling 37 4 46 Al-Ahqaf The Curved-Sand Hills 35 4 47 Muhammad The Prophet Muhammad 38 4 48 Al-Fath The Victory 29 4 49 Al-Hujurat The Dwellings 18 2 50 Q'af Arabic Alphabet 45 3 51 Al-Dhariyat The wind that Scatters 60 3 52 Al-Tur The Name of Mountain 49 2 53 Al-Najm The Star 62 3 54 Al-Qamr The Moon 55 3 55 Ar-Rahman The Most Gracious 78 3 56 Al-Waqiah The Event 96 3 57 Al-Hadid Iron 29 4 58 Al-Mujadila The Disputation 22 3 59 Al-Hashr The Gathering 24 3 60 Al-Mumtahana The Woman to be Examined 13 2 61 As-Saff The Row or The Rank 14 2 62 Al-Jumah Friday 11 2 63 Al-Munafiqun The Hypocrites 11 2 64 Al-Taghabun Mutual Loss or Gain 18 2 65 Al-Talaq The Divorce 12 2 66 Al-Tahrim The Prohibition 12 2 67 Al-Mulk Dominion 30 2 68 Al-Qalam The Pen 52 2 69 Al-Haqqah The Inevitable 52 2 70 Al-Maarij The Way of Ascent 44 2 71 Noah The Prophet Noah 28 2 72 Al-J'nn Genie 28 2 73 Al-Muzammil The One wrapped in Garment 20 2 74 Al-Mudashir The One Enveloped 56 2 75 Al-Qiyamah The Resurrection 40 2 76 Al-Dahr The Man 31 2 77 Al-Mursalat Those Sent Forth 50 2 78 Al-Naba The Great News 40 2 79 Al-Naziat Those Who Pull Out 46 2 80 Abasa The Frowned 42 1 81 Al-Takwir Wound Round and Lost its Light 29 1 82 Al-Infitar The Cleaving 19 1 83 Al-Mutaffafin Those Who Deal in Fraud 36 1 84 Al-Inshiqaq The Splitting Asunder 25 1 85 Al-Bhruj The Big Stars 2 1 86 Al-Tariq The Night-Comer 17 1 87 Al-A'la The Most High 19 1 88 Al-Ghashiya The Overwhelming 26 1 89 Al-Fajr The Break of the Day/The Dawn 30 1 90 Al-Balad The City 20 1 91 Ash-Shams The Sun 15 1 92 Al-Lail The Night 21 1 93 Al-Duha The Forenoon after Sunrise 11 1 94 Al-Inshira The Opening Forth 8 1 95 Al-T'in The Fig 8 1 96 Al-Alaq The Clot 19 1 97 Al-Qadr The Night of Decree 5 1 98 Al-Beyinnah The Clear Evidence 8 1 99 Al-Zilzal The Earthquake 8 1 100 Al-Aadiyat Those Who Runs 11 1 101 Al-Qariah The Striking Hour 11 1 102 Al-Takatur The Pilling up of Emulous Desire 8 1 103 Al-Asr The Time 3 1 104 Al-Humazah The Slanderer 9 1 105 Al-Fil The Elephant 5 1 106 Al-Qureysh A Famous Arab Tribe 4 1 107 Alma'un The Small Kindnesses 7 1 108 Al-Kauthar A River in Paradise 3 1 109 Al-Kafirun The Disbelievers 6 1 110 Al-Nasr The Help 3 1 111 Al-Lahab The Palm Rope 5 1 112 Al-Ikhlas The Purity 3 1 113 Al-Falaq The Day Break 5 1 114 Al-Nas The People 6 1
Ya Allah, Aku mohon kepadaMu agar Kau catatkan siapa pun yang membaca blog ini, menjadi orang-orang yang Engkau angkat kerajaannya. Engkau ampuni seluruh dosa-dosanya. Engkau buka hati yang tertutup. Engkau lembutkan hati yang keras membatu. Engkau cahayai hati yang gelap gelita. Ya Allah jadikan perkongsian ilmu ini membuatkan sisa umur kami penuh berkah. Terpelihara dari fitnah dan musibah. Amin.
Bismillah. Selamat Tahun Baru 2018
Isnin, 1 Jan 2018
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