
Thursday 29 December 2011

لا إلـه إلا الله

The Amazing Quran

The Amazing Qur'an by Gary Miller Calling the Qur'an amazing

the amazing quran pdf


source : http://www.themodernreligion.com/essays_Gary_Miller.htm

The City of Iram

The Qur'an mentions a city by the name of Iram (89:7). The city of Iram has been unknown to History, so unknown that even Muslim commentators, out of embarrassment or feeling apologetic for their religion, have commented on this mention of the city in the Qur'an as being perhaps figurative, that Iram was possibly a man and not a city.

In 1973, the excavation in Syria at the site of the ancient city of Eblus uncovered the largest collection of cuneiform writings on clay tablets ever assembled. In fact, the library discovered in Eblus contains more clay tablets that are more than four thousand years old than all the other tablets combined from all other sites.

Interestingly enough, you will find the details in the National Geographic of 1978 which confirms that in those tablets the city of Iram is mentioned. The people of Eblus used to do business with the people of Iram. So here in 1973, comes confirmation of the fact that, after all, there really was an ancient city by that name, wherever it was. How did it find its way into the Qur'an, we might ask?

Those Muslims who may have offered their comments, trying to explain away this reference that they were uncomfortable with, were outsmarted by the author of the Qur'an. They were those who would attempt to outsmart the author of the Qur'an. Primarily, their activity would involve trying to produce the evidence that the author of this book had a primitive understanding of the world around us.



Gary Miller is a mathematician and a theologian. Using Critical Thinking based on clear proof, he shows how we can establish true faith by setting standards of truth. He illustrates a simple but effective method of finding out the right direction in our search for truth.

He was active in Christian missionary work at a particular point of his life but he soon began to discover many inconsistencies in the Bible. In 1978, he happened to read the Qur'an expecting that it, too, would contain a mixture of truth and falsehood.
He started reading the Qur'an more thoroughly hoping to find a mistake but he was shocked when he read Surah 4:82 that says:

"Do they not consider the Qur'an? Had it been from other than Allah, they would surely have found therein much discrepancy." Surah 4:82

Dr Miller says about this verse: "One of the well known scientific principles is the principle of finding mistakes or looking for mistakes in a theory until it's proved to be right; Falsification Test. What's amazing is that the Qur'an asks Muslims and non-muslims to try to find mistakes in this book and it tells them that they will never find any". He also says about this verse: "No writer in the world has the courage to write a book and say that it's empty of mistakes, but the Qur'an, on the contrary, tells you that it has no mistakes and asks you to try to find one and you won't find any."
He discovered to his amazement that the message of the Qur'an was precisely the same as the essence of truth that he had distilled from the Bible. He became a Muslim and was active in giving public presentations on Islam including radio and television appearances.

He is the author of several articles and publications about Islam.

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